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Monday, January 27, 2014


Night of the knife

The dark dreary night seemed to go on forever. The blue and cold moon glittered coldy in the sky as if it were made out of ice. 4 Blobbies held the satchel with the knife of life they had just stolen. One Blobbie laughed. “The fading Blobbies have such terrible security. Besides, cold nights like these are perfect to just slip in and just... you know, do the thing you love! Night won’t spare the ones who don’t obey him” a dark Blobbie said. All the other Blobbies laughed and threw cheese. “Let’s see the knife of life,” one Blobbie said. Out of the bag slipped a glowing silver knife. It glowed with such power the Blobbies couldn’t look at it. “Pity it would be if someone were to steal such a… powerful item,” a Blobbie sneered. “Shut up Nightspin, I think someone’s coming or someone might have caught us,” another Blobbie whispered.

None of the Blobbies except that one heard anything besides the eerie howl of wind in the night. “Well, that was a shame that nothing is there besides the stupid wind!” A Blobbie hissed. Nightspin turned around and said, “You guys go to sleep, I’ll take watch, just in case.” The other Blobbies grabbed their comfy little beds and went to sleep. Nightspin pricked his hearing cords and tried to sense something. Nothing was there. Foolish Crystfog, he thought. Always being so paranoid. Nightspin pricked his cords again. No, wait, there was something! Nightspin growled as the bounce steps came closer. “Stay away, the knife isn’t yours,” Nightspin snarled. The other Blobbies woke up. “What is it?” Crystfog asked. Crystfog grabbed Nightspin’s dagger and Nightspin grabbed the glowing knife.

Nightspin wailled as he grabbed the knife. His paw was burning at the rate that must be hotter than fire. His paw was starting to turn purple and dark red. “HELP!” Nightspin screeched. The pain was incredible and unpredictable. Imagine your hand or paw being on fire and someone pouring boiling acid on it. Now imagine the fire being 1,000,000 degrees except for you won’t die. “Let go of the knife! Even I thought you would have more sense than to touch that,” Crystfog said. Nightspin let go of the dagger and the pain faded immediately. Nightspin sighed in relief. Another Blobbie stepped out and said, “Oh come on! If we can’t touch the knife, how can we use it to defend ourselves?” the other Blobbie asked. “You know that only Night can touch it. Only someone extremely powerful such as Sun, Night or the fading Blobbies can touch it Niamaclaw” another Blobbie chided.

“Be careful with your names,” Crystfog warned. The air around them became colder. “You need to know what is dangerous or not. Names have power and I think you know that. Just be careful or one day you might cease to exist.” Niamaclaw rolled her eyes and said, “Well everyone knows those 3 names are sacred and we aren’t allowed to say them!” Crystfog snarled and hissed, “Well! That’s nice to know! You know the old legends on how Berrycake and Silverice used the sacred names too much and Silverice was killed and sent to eternal punishment! Then, everyone around him had bad luck and it was always night until, the other sacred special name that I can’t say, came around and reunited everyone.”

The air became as cold as ice. A quiet splashing sound was heard in the distance. Niamaclaw shuddered and the other Blobbie put on a jacket. Nightspin stared at them with his warm eyes. “Are you sure this is the right thing to do? I mean if we give the knife to you know who, he said he would give us amazing positions in a new world but remember in the old days they say that you know who would destroy the world with the knife of life and turn everyone dark.” Niamaclaw mewed, “Mistriver, do you think” Niamaclaw stopped. 

Crystfog cried out, “The knife is gone! The knife is gone!” 2 shapes moved in the distance with fog but all 4 Blobbies could still see them clearly. “They took the knife of life!” Nightspin snarled. “Go kill them! They will destroy the world if they know how to use it!” Mistriver slowly made a ball of water and shot blasts of water at them using waterspit. Crystfog hurled blasts of skyfire and destroyed anything in the path. “Give us back the knife!” Mistriver and Niamaclaw pounced on the Blobbies and crashed into them leaving them on the floor.

“What knife?” One of the two unknown Blobbies asked and studied Niamaclaw with curious eyes. “Give us back the knife you stole!” Mistriver said softly but coldly. “We don’t have any knife? Right, do we Numy?” One of the Blobbies said. “Yeah! Stop falsely accusing me and Cocotail,” Numy meeped. “Search their bags,” Crystfog ordered. “There’s nothing inside them except an old pie, 2 pens and a waternumi” Niamaclaw said and tilted her body. Mistriver said quietly, “They don’t have the knife, I searched for any special power around them but there isn’t any.” “So can we go now because we don’t have your whatsoever knife?” the one called Numy asked. “Watch your words,” Mistriver warned. “That was no ordinary knife. That was the knife of life.”

Numy and Cocotail gasped. “The, the, the knife of life? How did you get the knife of life?” Cocotail asked and did this weird pink pleading eyes thing. “Bah, err, the Star Blobbies wanted us to bring this or something to a volcano or something to restore peace or something and yeah or something” Nightspin lied. “You say or something too much,” Numy grumbled. Nightspin tried to shrug which was hard to do considering he had no shoulders. “Well, that’s just what happened OR SOMETHING. Now that we spared your lives get on with your stuff or something. Also be sure to return the knife of life by a week alright?” Nightspin said.

The 2 Blobbies scrambled off quickly but Mistriver didn’t let them off so easy. She threw a horrible smelling like cheese potion at Numy and he fell. Mistriver sneered and all of them went back to the campfire. The cold night continued to go on. 






The First Quest
Numy woke up not knowing anything. He shook his body and looked around. There was another Blobbie next to him. “What the heck is the puff of that?” Numy asked as the Blobbie made some soup. “It’s your favorite food, cherrito you fat head,” the other Blobbie answered. Food? Numy tried to remember when he said this was his favorite food and if he knew this Blobbie but nothing came up in his mind. “Who are you?” Numy asked. The other Blobbie asked, “Are you trying to get me back for dumping you into the jello bowl yesterday?” the other Blobbie asked.
Numy stared at the Blobbie blankly. He was dumped into a jello bowl yesterday? For some reason, Numy couldn’t remember anything. It felt like he just plopped down in the world without being born in an egg. “Come on! Ok then, let me do this. I’m not your best friend Cocotail, I’m his evil clone!” Numy thought he must have had a very strange life if this were his friend. Cocotail stared at him and said, “We have to go and find the hidden knife remember you fat head?” Numy squeaked, “I can’t remember anything! What hidden knives are you talking about and why am I here?” Cocotail farted and answered, “Well, it’s possible you lost your memory. Yesterday these weirdo Blobbies told us we stole there celestial spiarial knife and we had to return it by tomorrow. Then we said fine but one of them threw this potion that smelled like cheese at you and you passed out.” Numy banged his head on the ground and said, “He threw cheese at me? I lost my memory because he threw cheese at me?” Cocotail rolled his eyes and said, “Let’s just go find that knife just so those Blobbies won’t throw cheese at you again.”

Numy looked and saw a leather book in the corner. He bounced over and flipped over the fragile pages. The book said, “In order to find the knife of life you must learn to master the 6 elements.” Numy didn’t realize Cocotail was behind him until Cocotail screamed, “CHEESE!” Numy turned around and shouted, “What’s with the cheese today?” Cocotail mewed, “We need to master the 4 elements. The reason they were mad at us was because that was the knife of life! It could have serious power to kill!” Numy understood. If the Blobbies that threw cheese at him thought they stole something so powerful, they definitely had the right to throw cheese at them. “What are the 6 elements?” Numy asked. Now it was Cocotail’s turn to stare at Numy as if he dropped from outer space. “You already know how to use one element you dummy. The elements are Dionyus, Fire, Wind, Water, Ground, and…” “Aren’t those all the elements? There are no other elements!” Numy interrupted. “There’s one more. It’s more powerful than all the other elements. It will take much practice to control this element.” Cocotail whispered. “It is… PIE!” Cocotail screamed. Numy wasn’t sure he heard the weirdo correctly. He knew for one fact that Cocotail was a weirdo but pie? “Pie?” “YES PIE!” Cocotail bounced around in circles? “Did you just say the hardest element to control was pie?” Numy asked. “Let’s just get on with our quest to get the thing,” Cocotail bounded away with Numy following him.

Soon it was night and Numy was looking at the map. “If this trail goes there to the Palace of night, then this road leads to the world of pie, and then this road leads to the fat village, then this road leads to-“ WE GET IT!” Cocotail yelled. The knife was stolen by someone extremely powerful, probably in that fat volcano. Numy hadn’t noticed there was a 100,000 feet tall volcano over him that was about to erupt. Cocotail grabbed his wing bid and soon he was soaring up into the sky with Numy on him. “What is this place?” Numy asked. “You, you don’t even know your favorite place?” Cocotail shook his head and asked. Numy yelled, “I lost my memory fat head, ok?” Cocotail didn’t respond as they flew higher into the wind where the volcano was about to erupt.
“Wait, Cocotail you said that I already knew how to use one element. What element was that?” Numy asked. “You know how to use wind, ok? And recently you started learning how to use pie” Cocotail answered. “But you only knew a tiny, tiny, tiny bit of how to use pie. You see, you learned to splat other Blobbies in the face with pie and send them flying away with pie bombs.” Numy tilted his body and asked, “Erg, I could send them flying with pie bombs? Isn’t that already pretty powerful?” Cocotail almost fell out of the sky and answered, “OF COURSE NOT! That’s too small. Pie masters learn how to make it rain pies and pie bombs, summon super powerful pies to attack others and make a pie grow 1,000 feet wide to smash someone.” Numy fell silent.
All the sudden blasts of fire and ice came out of the volcano. “Fire and ice is not a good combination because when you combine them, you get flaming ice bombs! Daren’t! Why didn’t I realize this was an ice and fire volcano?” Cocotail yelled up in the sky with his wings spread. Numy who was still on top of him asked, “Silicons?” For some reason, Numy could remember there was an animal called the silicon. Cocotail growled as more shots of fire and ice zoomed out from the castle on the volcano. “Get ready!” Cocotail said.
A giant explosion happened. Numy was pretty sure he remembered the biggest explosion he seen was a lightning bomb that exploded 5 square miles, which was pretty big for a Blobbie and this was probably 100 times bigger. Numy fell winded on the floor. 2 giant animals came out of nowhere. A voice said, “Now, now we can treat ourselves nicely, can’t we? Alright you may eat your dinner now.” Laugher echoed through the chamber. Numy didn’t have the strength to get up.  The 2 animals looked extremely ferocious and lean and probably hungry too. Numy definitely didn’t have the strength to fight such lean animals. He sidestepped, ready for death when suddenly, a bunch of pies started flying out of nowhere and hitting the animals, and now Numy remembered, they were called Pinchtail scorpions.
Numy remembered his training with Cocotail and how he could control wind. Numy summoned a giant tornado, slashed and hacked with wind and finally blew the 2 monsters down with such force the Pinchtail scorpions disenagrated, leaving a scroll that read, “If you are to find the knife you seek meet me at the portal of night at dawn.”                     

Silver stars
Numy looked closer at the note written. Meet me by the portal of night at dawn? Numy shuffled over to Cocotail. “Cocotail, you know where the portal of night is?” Cocotail almost recovered immediately. “No Blobbie can find out where it exactly is. Every week it changes to a different place in the world. If we can track it down by tomorrow, the next day most likely it will be gone. We have to track its next location.” Numy bit back a response of frustration.
“So, how do we find it exactly? Or how do we find the location?” Numy offered. Cocotail sighed and squished around saying, “You have to master the 6 elements? Remember? And besides, you know that the Blobbies that threw cheese at you and you grumbled that they said or something too much? I don’t trust them. If I were you, I wouldn’t return it. I don’t think the star Blobbies gave them the job to restore balance against _-----.”
Numy had a hurricane of thoughts swirling in his head. Should he trust the Blobbies that thought he stole the knife of life? “The exact location where you can completely learn waterspitting is under the place of silver stars. That place is closest to the Star Blobbies so they can show us how to master waterspitting. Besides, you can only master ground puffs if you go to the place of canyons. That place is best for mastering ground puffs is because the rock is very hard there and makes it better to try going through the rock.”
“What do you do when you’re using the element ground?” Numy asked not remembered. Cocotail replied annoyance beginning to stir inside, “You probably forgot again Mr. Fat head! Well, to begin with, mastering the element ground is just going through rocks without having to move them. You can go straight through them and then, the best part if your enemy is throwing stuff at you, just go into a rock and stay there. Water is basically just as easy as fire. Just spit water extremely fast and make jays of water. Fire, well you already know and wind, I’ll assume you probably know.”
Numy began to remember more things. “Alright, open your wing bid” Cocotail ordered. Numy realized his wing bid, for some reason, was much different than Cocotail’s. Cocotail had a smiley face for his wing bid and Numy, somehow had a streak of fire for his wing bid. Numy clipped on the wing bid and much to his giant surprise, and gasped. There were dark, orange flaming wings attached to his back like they were always there and they flowed magnificently in the sky. Cocotail seemed to act like this was normal and clipped on his wing bid, where fluffy yellow puff wings came out.
Numy grinned and changed into second form for no reason. It felt right for some reason. He put one paw in front of another and took a deep breath. “Here goes nothing!” Numy said and soared into the sky. Flying felt amazing. The cool breeze rushed all over Numy’s body and for a second, he forgot all his worries. Then, it all came back when Cocotail flew past him, probably faster than the speed of sound and sent a cold wind rushing toward him.
“There’s the palace of Silver stars!” Cocotail gasped. At first Numy couldn’t see anything but when Numy squinted and looked closer, there was a beautiful mountain with a rushing quiet waterfall below. The mountain was gigantic and taller than the clouds. On the top of the mountain, there were many rushing waterfalls that were pouring down and also, there were many bright silver stars and the sun was also there. Then, the clouds covered the place again and Numy knew he would have to fly closer to see the amazing sight.
As they got closer, they saw strange spirits floating around them and realized they were star Blobbies. “It’s, it’s a star Blobbie,” Cocotail stammered. “Well, of course!” One shimmering bright Blobbie laughed and exclaimed. “Welcome to the place of Silver stars, Cocotail and Numy.” Numy wasn’t even looking at the shining clouds he was too busy wondering how this shining Blobbie knew their names.
Now, they were close enough to see the amazing waterfall and the glowing spirits around them. The floating, glowing and shining Blobbie lead them to a grassy nature bench and said, “Sit.” Cocotail laughed quietly which wasn’t like Cocotail since he was always noisy and asked, “Are those the other Star Blobbies?” The shining Blobbie ignored that and welcomed them warmly saying, “I’m Sunmoon, guardian of silver stars. Please make yourselves comfortable and we will see if you pass the test.” “What test?” Numy demanded instantly feeling a prickle of suspicion. “Well, of course you came here to learn how to control water but we can only teach you if you are powerful enough.”
Cocotail had and worried look on his face and suddenly asked again, “Are those star Blobbies?!” The smile drifted off Sunmoon’s face and she paled even though she was already very misty. “No, NO! This cannot be true after a thousand years of peace!” “What are those? What are they?” Cocotail demanded. “The minions of, well show more respect!” Sunmoon stuttered. “The shadows haven’t come here for a thousand! Why have the strength to come now. You two, stay here while I go off and destroy them, but be careful and don’t move.”
Numy didn’t need to be told twice that he shouldn’t move. Numy was scared out of his fur. The creatures which were about 2 of them it seemed had scarred terrible faces, glowing red eyes and bared fangs. They had a circular shape with long talons and dreadful, beautiful and horror struck wings. Numy knew at once these were Shadow Blobbies.
Sunmoon drew a protective circle which probably meant that they were protected inside and a small bubble appeared around them which Sunmoon instantly jumped out of. The creatures emerged and shot blasts of dark fire at her and she instantly turned around and hacked the air. She flowed and jumped spinning and leaping to dodge the huge flaming blasts of fire. One blast of fire hit the bubble, and the bubble stayed there but seemed to dim. Numy turned extremely warm inside and felt some pain but it slowly went away.
Sunmoon leapt in the air with such grace and spun around throwing a giant blast of light at the creatures and all Numy could do was watch in amazement, awestruck with his mouth open. A dimmed sword appeared in Sunmoon’s head and she charged toward the creatures. She brought the glowing dim sword down on the creature’s head and it screamed in pain and disintegrated. The other Shadow creatures morphed out a shadow mist sword and started striking. Sunmoon unleashed her fiery gold wings and dodged with shocking speed. All Numy could do was stare in amazement and awe.
Finally, the rest of the Star Blobbies came, which weren’t many when Numy realized there was 6 other Shadow creatures attacking the other side. One of the shadow creatures turned and sliced out on Sunmoon. Sunmoon gave a cry of agony and fell. “Help her!” Cocotail screamed but all Numy could do was stare and stop Cocotail from leaping outside the circle. “Why,” Cocotail said as Numy watched the endless fight continue.   

Finding life
Numy almost couldn’t stand it. He grabbed Cocotail with his head and plunged out of the protection bubble glaring down at the battle. His flaming wings stretched out in the dark sky and he flew down into a sheltered log house. The log house didn’t seem too fancy or too poor. In fact, it felt extremely comfortable and cozy and fitting. There was a spiarial sword nearby and Numy grabbed it. With his last force he flew into the battle.
Soon, another Blobbie came in front of them. She seemed to be a normal Blobbie, not a star Blobbie but she demanded, “What are you doing here? Since you are mortal you cannot stay.” Numy replied, “We’re coming here to train when this war started.” Numy explained the whole story head to bottom about the Blobbies throwing cheese, trying to find the knife of life and more. Numy knew he shouldn’t talk to strangers but in this case he had no choice. “Well, another hostage. Recently the place of Silver stars has been having terrible attacks. You’ll have to come with me,” the other Blobbie stared at them with her gold eyes. “Why should we trust a stranger?” Cocotail demanded and grabbed the sword. The Blobbie sighed and with one flick, sent the sword flying away. “Don’t embarrass yourselves,” she said sternly.
Numy snarled and decided it was better to follow this stranger than to get caught in the middle of an all-out war. Cocotail reached for the sword again and pointed it at the stranger. Full credit to Cocotail for trying to act strong, Numy thought. The stranger somehow with extremely force and intelligence, opened her eyes and spoke a single very powerful word. “Ba’nit.” The bubble burst and Cocotail’s eyes widened. “What, what was that?” Numy asked. If this Blobbie had enough power to break Sunmoon’s protection bubble, she seriously must’ve been powerful.
She had beautiful dark green eyes that were narrowed, a flowing gold tail, and flaming wings very close to Numy’s wings and finally, the scariest part was she had a 3 foot long staff and at the top of the staff was Silicon, the symbol of death.
“Who are you and what do you want from us?” Numy hissed. The other Blobbie flicked her wings and said, “Come on, it’s either you follow me, or perish in this place.” She said the word place as if it were a major insult. “I’m Kiris, trained to fight shadows, shadars and other different types of evil. Now if you say one more insult, I will cut your tongue out.” Numy stared at Kiris wondering if that were her real name, if she would actually cut somebody’s big tongue out and a bunch of other fat questions.
Kiris spun her staff around making a trail of light guiding toward the sky. “Follow the path,” she ordered. Cocotail seemed so eager to please this Kiris Blobbie whatsoever so he eagerly jumped onto the path and bounded toward the exit to the war. Numy jumped the same way to following Cocotail but hesitated. “Well, what are you waiting for? Go!” Kiris directed. Numy decided from her green no friendliness in her eyes, he didn’t like Kiris a single bit unlike Cocotail who was trying his best to please her by nudging Numy saying, “Let’s go!”
Numy turn around and bounded through the path and began to wonder if this were a trap or just a direction. Cocotail bounded ahead pushing and shoving at Numy to keep moving, probably just to please this Kiris. Numy sighed in exasperation and asked, “Where in Blobbieworld are we going anyways?” Cocotail continued to bounce ahead and replied, “Most likely to the World of day. It’s the place where you are trained to the elements and other types of power such as fighting with swords and archery. It’s my best guess.” Numy started to remember what the House of Day was.
The place of the House of Day was close enough to be seen clearly. There was a magnificent palace, and also a waterfall and the place seemed almost, almost as glorious and glamorous as the place of Silver stars. The palace was white, gray and black but even the black parts were still sparkling. The outside of the House of Day stood 2 guards heavily armed with weapons and spiarial swords. They stood and glared at Numy and Cocotail. They weren’t Blobbies and they certainly weren’t anything Numy had ever seen before. They had a head of a Blobbie with sharp pointed ears of a spinerling, a body of a snake that was standing up, and a pair of sharp wings.
Kiris came bouncing behind them and replied, “Great serpents of the House of Day, let me in for I have invited these, whatsoever.” She flicked her head toward Numy and Cocotail. Kiris, Numy and Cocotail entered to find that the inside of the palace was even greater than the outside. Kiris flicked her head and a single blue line appeared in the air. Cocotail gasped, being amazed and Numy rolled his eyes. A door opened at Kiris’s command and she jumped into it.
Kiris said in a muffled voice, “Welcome to the House of Day where you learn not to be stupid and learn how to fight.” Numy replied harshly, “Well you’re the one to talk, I guess they taught you how to not be stupid since you always were!” Cocotail glared at Numy and shushed him up. Kiris kicked him and he just stared. “This is the hall of memories,” Kiris told them, “Where the place that is first shown to newcomers. And in order to be able to stay here and train, you must find life.” Numy rolled his eyes and said, “How the Kimo do we find life? I mean we are alive if you didn’t notice.” “Well, I’ll tell you how to do that once you pass the test.”
“Drink it,” Kiris ordered. She had just placed a white and brown drink in front of Cocotail and Numy and Cocotail immediately drank it. “Wow,” Cocotail said shocked and speechless. Numy wondered what the wow how the drink tasted and the answer to that question was, it tasted brilliant and all of the sudden Numy felt like he could do anything. Swim in the deepest lakes and do more. Cocotail started choking and yelled, “I’m dying help me I’m dying!” Kiris rolled her eyes and said, “No you aren’t.” “Oh,” Cocotail muttered. “I thought I was dying.”
Numy laughed and nummed, “Can we find our “life” now?” To answer that again, Kiris lead them to a tall fountain and said “Climb to the top and we’ll see.” “Well that’s easy for you because you can summon some magical spell to make yourself fly there and there is no way we can!” Numy argued. Kiris sighed and took a deep breath. “Fei-kuai,” Kiris chanted. A doorway sprouted and she entered with Cocotail and Numy behind her. “What the heck does Fei-Kuai mean?” Numy asked. A rumble echoed in the distance. “Be careful with your words. It means to summon a gate and fly through it you dummy. Now you just summoned a flying gate right up there,” Kiris spat.
Finally, they reached the top of the fountain and on top there was a gladiator warrior Blobbie battling stand that was giant.  “Now you two may battle,” Kiris nummed. “Wait, wait come on Kiris!  We might kill each other,” Cocotail exclaimed sounding a bit annoyed. Kiris hummed and said, “That’s the point. Whoever survives longest can stay alive and train here.”
Anger boiled inside Numy and he yelled, “Then we won’t stay here! We came here to the silver stars not to you! Cocotail and I will be leaving NOW.” Numy and Cocotail just started bouncing away when another unknown Blobbie came bursting out of the fountain and yowled, “Zhai-nar!” Numy stopped in his tracks. He tried so hard to move. He pushed and pushed nonstop but somehow or something made him unable to move. Finally he was able to shuffle one millimeter but it was as hard as pushing 10 houses. “Give up,” Kiris said. “Stopping spells are almost impossible to break even for the greatest Blobbies. You haven’t even trained yet.”
Numy felt extremely angered and suddenly saw Cocotail chanting. “Bi-ra!” he exclaimed and suddenly Numy and Cocotail could move again. They screamed and jumped off the fountain. Kiris rolled her eyes and ordered, “Get them.” Flying Blobbies and animals came out of everywhere, at least 10 to be exact. “How did you know that spell?” Numy asked Cocotail. “It-it was on the-the well” Cocotail stammered sleepily. Suddenly Cocotail’s eyelids closed and he was fast asleep.
Numy knew instantly that Cocotail had used almost all his energy to cast that spell. It was a very, very simple spell but Cocotail was very, very new to this. It could take months of training to learn not to drain the Blobbie’s energy out when saying a spell. “Wake up Cocotail!” Numy murmured. “Wake up, wake up!” Cocotail stirred in his sleep. I know! Numy thought. “Cocotail, I HAVE PIE!” Cocotail instantly woke up. “Pie, pie, pie? Where’s the pie? Oh wait we’re escaping now I remember.” Both of them continued to fly away with their wings zipping in the sky but the other Blobbies were closing in behind them.
They flew out the window and silence. “Cocotail?” Numy asked. “COCOTAIL!” Nobody answered. Numy looked behind him and what he saw terrified him. Cocotail was screaming for help while another Blobbie used a stickygun on him. Numy flew back instantly and said, “Let. Go. Of. Cocotail. Now.” The other Blobbie stared and suddenly a wave of wind slammed into him. Kiris wasn’t so easy to beat though. She had years of training and raised her eye. “You can’t escape.”
A giant gust of water slammed into Numy. Numy groaned at the pain but just as he got up, a giant ball of pie slammed into him. The pie wasn’t so effective because Numy ended up eating most of it. When he was done eating pie Numy saw that it was too late. 2 large knives were above him and they seemed to be made out of the rarest item, spiarial. 2 streams of skyfire danced and floated above him. Soon, Numy knew that he was going to be a cooked Blobbie. A voice boomed overhead, “Spare the Blobbie!”      

Cold fire

“Why keep him alive?” Kiris demanded. “He betrayed us all and has proved to be helping the Shadow Blobbies! AGAIN!” “What!” Numy hissed. “Stop it with your lies we never helped the Shadow Blobbies! We came to the place of silver

stars to master the element of water so we could find the knife of life and return it to the Blobbies that threw cheese at me just so they don’t kill us but we aren’t exactly doing it for that, we were doing it for-“Cocotail moaned and got up.

“Show respect Kiris,” The other Blobbie that told Kiris not to kill them nummed. “They seem innocent to me and they might not even know that they are helping the Shadow Blobbies. I’m Cold Fire and I am master of the House of Day.” The old Blobbie explained to Numy and Cocotail. Numy couldn’t think of anything to say. He could have said all sorts of lame things like, you are big! Or do you like waffles? But the only thing Numy could say was, “You’re extremely old. Why aren’t you sitting on a throne and blabbing on about something?” Kiris’s eyes flared with anger. Numy was about sure Kiris would blast him to cinders but Cold Fire held out a paw and said “It’s fine Kiris. They are young and they haven’t learned yet how to be a spell-maker.

Cocotail blabbed on and coughed and spluttered random things on how he hated cheese and liked pancakes. All Kiris did was stare and say, “I like pancakes too…” Cold Fire laughed a warm hearted laugh which was strange considering Kiris was giving them a cruel look like; I wish I tore you to pieces. I’ll do that later. Numy rolled his eyes and continued on, telling Cold Fire the story of what they did and what their travels were about.

Cold Fire finally said, “You have either two choices. You can stay here with us and train but you must battle Cocotail, or you will not train and be known to be helping the Shadow Blobbies and we will be your enemies and hunt you down. We have many powerful spell-maker Blobbies here you know that.” Numy considered the choices and they both seemed pretty horrible but which one was worse? Getting a warm bed every day, having food that definitely tasted good, having servants to serve them, if getting hurt taking medicine, and having free lessons on how to kill your enemies easily or being chased nonstop, meeting monsters ever minute and being tracked down by many Blobbies to be killed? Yeah probably having a warm bed and that other stuff was better.
“You only have to battle Cocotail” Cold Fire insisted. “But I can’t kill him; we’ve been friends for 4 years!” Cold Fire laughed another warm hearted laugh and said, “You won’t kill him, you just will have a friendly fight and if anyone gets hurt we’ll put you in the River of Healing.” “What’s the River of Healing-“Numy asked. He was interrupted by a churning splash of waves and he looked over to see a very bright river.
“Come and we will see our rooms,” Cocotail nummed quietly and Cocotail and Numy followed him.
The room was amazing. The walls were lightly streaked with light and were blonde, the color of a cream Blobbie. On the walls were painted many spells. In the corner of the room there was a small bookshelf with a headbo (that reading thing) and connected to it was a laced golden book that had many ribbons tied to it.  There were two windows and outside shone a waterfall, the place of Silver Stars from a distance. A small chair stood nearby the windows and next to the cozy chair was a large table that looked like it was for studying. There were 2 small Blobbie beds that fit Numy and Cocotail perfectly. Numy was just about to curl up and go to sleep when he realized there was one thing missing. There were no lights.
“Where do you get the lights?” Cocotail asked what Numy was thinking. “Well, to begin with, we make our own lights with a spell,” Kiris said. “Whoa, where did Cold Fire go?” Numy asked. Kiris doubled over laughing and said, “Well it seems like since Cold Fire wasn’t interested he left me here to be your well, guidance.” She shrugged like guidance was a bad word.
“You make your own lights dummy.”
“Oh. How do we make our own lights?”
Kiris closed her eyes and chanted, “Lir-ies!” Immediately, even though it was night time, the room turned into day. Everything around the room lit up near until the next 2 rooms. Cocotail opened his mouth in complete shock. Numy sighed and said, “Can we get to the stupid battle already?” Kiris grinned and said, “This is where it gets fun.” Right after she said that they flashed once and they were on a giant battlefield. Numy had full biancris armor and Cocotail seemed to have happy faces all over him. “The heck, this isn’t armor, this is a bunch of happy face on my hat!” Cocotail complained. Kiris laughed a clear happy sound and for the first time Numy thought she might not have been so bad after all.
She pointed her flowing tail to the 4rth room next to hers and said, “My crazy cousins are the prank masters of the House of Day. They prank somebody at least twice a day. Guess some spell took back your armor. She said another word that Numy couldn’t identify and this time Cocotail had a huge stack of hats on his head. “The weight is too much, I have probably a thousand hats on me!” Cocotail groaned. Kiris laughed and said, “Take my armor, I have hundreds of sets of them. I won’t care that much if it’s ruined. But be careful since my cousins love this set of armor so, make one hole and you will never hear the end of you getting pranked.”
Cocotail laughed and Kiris’s expression turned serious. “Ready, set START THE BATTLE!”
Numy leaped on top of Cocotail but instead of feeling his soft fur, Numy hit the ground. Cocotail flew right above him and tackled him right on the back. It didn’t hurt much but Numy groaned, “Ouch.” And Cocotail turned him over and threw him on the wall. Numy just had a second to open his wing bid and stop himself from smacking straight on the wall. He blew a cover of fire at Cocotail with his mouth but Cocotail dove into the water nearby. Very nice strategy, someone blasts fire and you jump into water, wow. Apparently Cocotail didn’t know about Numy’s sarcasm and threw some water at his face. Kiris laughed as she watched the all-powerful Numy with fire blasting and some sword skills be beaten by the jumping in water and bouncing around weirdo Cocotail.
Apparently Cocotail wasn’t actually so bad at fighting because he grabbed a sword out of thin air and sliced some of Numy’s fur off. Numy growled at the pain and thought he was about to lose when a giant ball of pie sent Cocotail flying backwards. The pie chased Cocotail around while Cocotail yelled, “Why is there a giant pie chasing me?” The pie finally stopped chasing Cocotail but at this time Cocotail was exhausted but Numy didn’t want to hurt him so he sent a ball of pie crashing into Cocotail. It seemed to effect Cocotail because the next hour instead of cleaning and getting healed he was eating pie. Numy stepped out of the battle arena and demanded Kiris, “Well! Did I do ok and pass the test?” Kiris was speechless and slowly said, “I guess we have a newcomer. Cold Fire will accept you permanently unless you do something horrible and betray us.”
Cocotail gasped as his belly bulged out. Numy laughed at seeing how full Cocotail seemed. “Too…full…need… one more… bite.”
Cocotail used the bathroom and became not so full and Numy settled down to enjoy the new room. It seemed cozy and fine and just fitting. Not too fancy and not too poor just like the room at the place of Silver Stars.

Path of ice
Kiris stared down; annoyed that she couldn’t get the spell right. Frustrated, she said out loud, “The Muffin Blob mastered this spell when he was only 3! I’m already 8 and having trouble with this STUPID spell when the Muffin Blob mastered it in a matter of only a couple minutes!” She didn’t notice Cold Fire beside her until he murmured, “Those times were from the ancient days. The Muffin Blob was The Great Kimo’s Blob and was the world’s greatest spell maker. But one day you might even create your own spell just like Muffin did and become almost as great as him!” Kiris sighed and said, “The Muffin Blob took only a couple minutes to get this spell mastered and I’ve been doing this for years!” Cold Fire sighed and stepped away leaving Kiris hissing in anger.
The new Blobbies, Numy and Cocotail stepped out. Numy yawned and said, “Well, aren’t we going to learn any spells today?” Cocotail nudged Numy and nummed, “Kiris told me we’re going to learn the si-kres! Spell today. It was actually made by The Great Kimolet herself!” Kiris shuffled uncomfortably and retorted, “The Great Kimo does not like being called Kimolet and prefers to be called Kimo. Now if you would, show some respect to your creator.” Numy glared at her angrily but unexpectedly Kiris shot back another fiery glare. Kiris hated it when people judged her but she learned to take it well so they stopped. She wondered what day she would earn all the Blobbie’s from the House of Day’s respect.
Kiris stepped back and grabbed Cocotail’s sword that she had given him. “Hey!” Cocotail protested and jumped up and down. Kiris said, “Here’s a demonstration. In order to get a spell right, you must say it with all your will. The slightest bit without all your will might destroy you on spot. You must be calm inside and draw energy from yourself-but be careful because if you draw too much energy, it will make you very tired.” Numy whispered, “Like we didn’t know that,” but Kiris had extremely great hearing. “Like you wouldn’t talk so much if I hadn’t told you to shut up so shut up already!” she mimicked.
Kiris took another step back and nummed, breathing deeply and taking energy to deal with. She let out the energy through her tongue by saying, “Si-kres!” Cocotail’s sword lifted into the air and slammed into the ceiling, broken.” Cocotail yelped in anger but quickly, Kiris nummed, “A-cis!” The blade dropped down, unbroken and as good as new. Numy said quietly, “So A-cis means to repair and Si-kres means to fly?” That was the first thing in the whole entire day Numy had said that wasn’t offensive to Kiris. “Nynynymewmewmewmewnumboingnumnumnumnumboingnyanlumnumnumnum,” Cocotail added randomly.
A window shattered for no reason. Another window shattered and Kiris realized, all the windows were shattering. 4 dark creatures came hurling at her. Numy screamed and pulled out his blade. The edge was sharp and shiny which no doubt could kill a monster. He slammed himself into the dark creatures and dug his blade into them. The creature seemed not even fazed by that attack and spun around, knocking Numy off of him. Numy landed on the wall and fell to the ground, looking hurt. Kiris looked over, knowing it was her responsibility to keep these creatures away from them.
Cocotail yelped wildly as Kiris began chanting in an ancient language. “Ikri-si da nr cry-dis! Ml kana kur, sree cis dwe!” A creature leaped at her face but right before it ripped her to shreds, it disintegrated thanks to her spell. Cocotail cried out loud as another monster tore out his fur. He fought so viciously and hard even Kiris was surprised. Kiris had thought of Cocotail as a silly, weird and funny Blobbie that knew nothing about spells but turns out, he could be a ferocious fighter when he wanted too. Cocotail grappled at his blade and tore out the monster’s lungs and sliced its leg off making a scene so horrible Kiris would’ve hid if she could. Numy was doing nearly as well taking spells from the walls that Kiris had said. He screamed, “Si-kres!” and one monster went flying away. The last monster was for Kiris to kill and she hissed bringing the knife she had down on its neck and it yelped and disintegrated.
Cocotail gasped as blood trickled down his forehead. Kiris immediately went to panic mode because she had no supplies at all for healing. She was also more of a defense Blobbie and didn’t know so much about healing. Cocotail was bleeding horribly now and blood oozed out of his body. Numy grabbed some cloths and stuck it where it was bleeding. Kiris rushed over to Cocotail and yelled in her most calm voice which wasn’t very calm, “Make the Blobbie still!” It sounded like a command but actually it was a spell.  
Numy bounced over to his friend and supportively raised him upward, dabbing the blood and solar out of his face. Cocotail looked around wildly. “Not this again,” Kiris muttered just before Cocotail jumped into a wall and banged his head. “What’s it?” Numy asked. “Mental ness venom. It’s a special creature that has venom dabbed on its claws so when it scratches you, the venom makes you mental.” “Jelly Blobbies with cheese for a fluffy evil unicorn since Jonathan died,” Cocotail spluttered. (By the way Jonathan is this person from my school and I hate him since he’s annoying so yeah XD.” Numy sighed as Kiris continued to dab small healing herbs on Cocotail. “I think that spinerlings are walking,” Cocotail said sleepily.
“Here, help me get Cocotail to the healing rooms,” Kiris nummed. Instantly, a hostility wild look in Numy’s eyes was seen. Was it that he thought he could heal Cocotail without her? Or was it because he was too proud to want someone to heal him. Soon, that hostility was changed to doubt. Was he afraid that we might hurt him? After all this time, Kiris still couldn’t believe that Numy didn’t trust her, as much as she hated him.
Even though that hostility and doubt in Numy’s eyes lasted less than a second, Kiris was still affected by it. She knew she wasn’t a good spell-maker compared to many Blobbies in the House of Day. Also, many times when a Blobbie heard her name, confusion would flash across their eyes. Almost all Blobbies knew the second greatest fighter and spell-maker besides Silverice and The Great Kimo. Kiris was The Great Kimo’s grandblob, Blob of Milkysky. Her mother had named her Kiris, so everyone would honor her and remember her name as the second best fighter, though she really wasn’t a fighter; more of a spell-maker.
As she was thinking about Kimo’s grandblob Kiris she heard another Blobbie shuffling Cocotail toward the healing rooms. It was their only healer, a Fruit berry Blobbie named Spring. Spring was a beautiful Blobbie, Kiris’s best friend, always so kind and helpful and Kiris could understand why she liked healing. “Hi Kiris! Is this your friend I heard?” Spring asked in a warm voice.
“Hi Spring, and no, these Blobbies are the new testants and we had a minor attack with some Silicons. 4 to be around exact.” Kiris replied. “Oh, sorry! Here, have seats while I get some herbs,” Spring exclaimed. Numy turned and looked at Spring. For a moment nothing happened until Spring said, “Oh, ok I better get going.” Numy looked away in disappointment and bounced out of the room.








The amulet’s shadow
Numy yawned and stretched his butt. He stared at the paintings on the wall. Somehow, they seemed to draw him into a coma. The amulets on the wall made movements sound and recorded all the destructions in past history. Suddenly, quite literally, the pictures drew him in. A deep dark voice said, through the ancients you shall fail, to find the quest which you shall sail. For an ally helps you on your quest, raze or preserve in your rest, shall so you are betrayed, by this one that has been layed. Numy fell over, shocked and angry by the voice. For an ally helps you on your quest, Numy thought.
A voice from behind him spoke, “Umm, he’s all healed. Do you want me to help you bring back your friend?” It was Spring and she was blushing. “Umm, it’s fine,” Numy replied. Certainly after Spring was so kind to heal Cocotail and all, maybe she could be the ally on the quest? Shall so you are betrayed, Numy thought the line nonstop worried sick about it. He knew that many Blobbies didn’t like them. Could it possibly be the Blobbies that threw cheese at him who would betray him? Suddenly, a thought dawned on him. He knew this was horrible and unloyal to think of but he couldn’t help thinking, could Kiris possibly be the Blobbie that betrayed him? Even though they had come this far, he couldn’t help wondering that Kiris was the Blobbie that betrayed him.
Spring layed a blanket on Cocotail which jolted Numy back to reality. Cocotail slept soundly singing, “Oh, waffle pancake, waffle pancake!” Numy purred in delight as he saw his friend sleeping so soundly and happily. “Wake up!” Numy rubbed his paws on Cocotail. Cocotail stirred and jumped back up. “Oh, hi Numy. You just woke me up from the best dream ever! I was dreaming that this Blobbie gave me a spiarial which another Blobbie traded me 4 waffles and 2,000 pancakes for! Then, Kiris gave me 600 extra pancakes which I used to buy 400 waffles and syrup!”
“Well,” said Numy. “Here, have a B and B.” Cocotail ate the B’B and went to sleep soundly again. “You didn’t say he would be so lazy all day,” Numy joked to Spring. Spring shifted uncomfortably and said, “Oh, umm I have to go! Bye numling!” Numy rolled his eyes and said, “Bragger fur ball! I can speak ancient Blobbish too! Bop num!” Spring laughed and replied, “Bo bop num bo soccer!” Numy gasped and replied, “You just called me a soccer ball! Grr, bo is a dog face!” Spring huffed and retorted, “Unicorn face!”
“Wrinkle face!”
“Dog poop!”
“Wrinkled dog poo!”
“Smelly, wrinkled orange dog poo!”
“Ok, ok you win. But that proves you’re a wrinkled dog poo.” Spring laughed and nummed. Numy was now laughing so hard he rolled right over to his room. Once Spring was out of sight he closed the door and said, “Si-kres! Lir-ies!” A small light flickered on and a lamp floated upwards. Cocotail ate some pie while Numy went to the studying table, and carefully examined the text book. First, he looked through the table of contents. He gasped as he saw the chapters.
Chapter 1- The spells of The Muffin Blob       Chapter 5- The techniques of The greatest
Chapter 2- The spells of Ferncookie              Chapter 6- The abilities of The Great Kimo
Chapter 3-The potions of The Muffin Blob     Chapter 7-The Greatest fighters in all history     
Chapter 4-The spells of The Great Silverice   Chapter 8- The techniques of the Shadows
He looked and saw that the last chapter, had many spells written over it and were crossed out twice. Maybe pie would help clear his mind. He stuffed his mouth full of pie made from the greatest cooks in the House of Day. Mm, the House of Day cookers were really good! The pie tasted amazing but he flipped to the first page; spells of the Muffin Blob. The first spell already had tons of ingredients needed to make the spell. He scrolled through the list that said Fire bark, water bark, water berry, night berry, ice and sweetstem. 
After a long time of gathering, he had all the plants and grabbed them, shoving them into a small pile. The first step was to grind them together. The last step was to spit on them, creating a giant smoke powder that would blind his enemies for 2 minutes. He spit on the leaves and a powder came out. “Ugh!” Cocotail spluttered and coughed, his eyes watering. Smoke circled around Numy and he was blinded for a couple of minutes. His eyes stung with water and felt like acid was poured on them. “Why’d you do that?” Cocotail spluttered when the fog cleared from their eyes.
“This was probably the spell Muffin used when they were escaping from the Shadow Blobbies. I remember the story how they were surrounded. Kimo had protested she could kill all them, which they could but Muffin realized she wouldn’t have the time. Everyone except Kimo would’ve been dead by the time all the Shadow Blobbies were dead. So he used this spell!” Cocotail sighed and replied, “For the last great time. Stop calling Kimo, Kimo. It’s The Great Kimo and The Muffin Blob. She likes that better than Lorm Kimo.” Cocotail joked about the Lorm Kimo thing. (In Blobbish Lorm basically means Lord.)
They joked for a while giving strange accents and saying, “why is it dangerous to do math in the land?”
“Because if you do 4+4 you get ate by a grinder!
Kiris came entering the room, splattered with paint, leather, and B’b’s, Duddies and Amber berries. Numy snickered and caught himself. Kiris sighed and said, “The stupid spell. How do you know that the Muffin Blob can do it in a minute while I’ve been training to do this for 5 years?” Numy couldn’t stop himself from laughing and finally nummed, “You, you can’t even get this spell right? What spell is it!”
Kiris sighed and said, “Stop laughing alright. I can bet 10 spiarials that you will be clueless on how to even do it. And once you find out, most likely you’re going to do exactly the opposite of the spell is like.” Numy heaved a breath and said, “Tell me the stinking spell so I can do it.” Kiris jumped quietly on to a bookshelf. “Smoke powder spell. 10 minutes of blinding powder at your enemy.” Numy now couldn’t stop laughing. He had completed the spell in less than 2 minutes!
“I could finish that spell in a total of 2 minutes!” Numy exclaimed, laughing and glancing at Kiris. Kiris was furious now. Numy gave her a demonstration by gathering the resources and spitting. Immediately Kiris started choking and her eyes watered. After a couple minutes she turned and glared at Numy. “This is impossible! I have been training for years as you mere blob!” Numy resisted laughing again. He was impressed by himself that he had actually beaten a well-trained Blobbling at a spell.
He didn’t think it was funny when Kiris turned over and nummed. “Wait a minute… you cheater!” Numy was too confused to speak. “Cheater?” “Yes! I was talking about making that powdered spell, without the fire bark and not spitting! You don’t spit, you chew.” Suddenly, all Numy’s pride and triumph that he had beaten her faded. She was doing it the hard way, chewing instead of spitting.
Kiris stared triumphantly at Numy and said comfortingly, “It’s fine; I’ve been practicing this stupid spell for about, 5 years? Numy relaxed and said to Cocotail, “Hey, I’m going to go look at the pictures on the wall again. You can speak with,” He pointed at Kiris and she glared at him.  
Numy shooed Kiris out of his room and soon found he staring at the amulet on the wall. It seemed deep and dark, almost like a shadow. The amulet started to draw him deep in and suddenly, something rose from the amulet. A shadow came and roared. Numy backed away, shocked and surprised by this. In a raspy voice, the amulet’s shadow hissed, “Finally! Free from my prison and you shall pay for this!”

The amulet’s shadow pt. 2

Numy screeched in shock and the amulet’s shadow lunged after him. Cracks appeared in the walls and Cocotail instantly sat up, shocked by the commotion. Spring and Kiris ran over and gasped. Kiris immediately flipped over a page on a book and started reading it. Cocotail charged straight ahead, a stream of comet behind him. Numy launched his whole body at the shadow and the shadow disappeared. “I killed it,” Numy said proudly.

Kiris stared at the commotion in shock and shouted, “You just let the amulet’s shadow go! We imprisoned it for so many years! This took so many years to imprison, and now it’s gone, probably gone off to warn the shadows of this prison and tell them to attack again. We have to bring this back by sunset or the whole world is dead.” Numy’s mouth fell open. Kiris didn’t even respond. She jumped right out of a window, and Cocotail yelled, “What are you doing!”

Kiris’s wings spread and she landed safely on the ground and charged straight toward the snaking destruction. The amulet slithered and spat randomly until a column of fire erupted right in Kiris’s face. Cocotail gasped and Numy jumped right off to help Kiris. His wings spread and a whoosh splattered on his face. He landed right next to Kiris who was groaning and was getting up.

Spring and Cocotail appeared right beside him and Spring folded her wings tightly. “I’m fine, what’re you looking at,” Kiris rasped and snorted on the worried look on Cocotail’s face. Spring shook her head and replied, “I could see you dying Kiris. I know when Blobbies die, and I could see your life fading. Don’t go after the amulet, please?” Kiris closed her eyes and sighed a deep breath. “No, Spring, if you aren’t going and if none of you are going, I am.”

Kiris tried to sit up but a small crack in her fur blocked her. She smelled like smoke and she was burnt all over. Numy knew she had taken on too much. “No Kiris, let us go get the amulet,” Cocotail protested. Kiris shook her head and laughed, then croaked, “You haven’t even learned a single spell yet. Stay here and guard the place.” Numy snorted and replied, “No Kiris, all 4 of us are going. I have this book.” Numy gestured toward his golden wrapped scroll.

Kiris seemed to lighten up by that. Spring exclaimed, “You have the golden scroll! That’s amazing! We’ll be able to capture the shadow in no time.” Numy banged his head hard. Maybe he still had that losing memory cheese inside of him since he couldn’t remember what the burnt map or golden scroll was. “The Fading Blobbies and The Great Kimo need us to return this by sunset,” Kiris nodded and coughed.

She got up and traced her tail at Cocotail. “It’s fine. Since it’s just us four, we have the advantage of surprise. Here, I have a, well broken sword thanks to,” Cocotail purred and nudged Kiris. Kiris laughed and stopped to glance pointedly at Numy.

“First thing I need to ask you Kiris. Where did the amulet’s shadow go anyways?” Kiris turned wide eyed again and looked around wildly. “Oh Shad! Ugh, how could I forget that?” Kiris stomped her tail in frustration. “I have no idea where the shadow went. There isn’t any possible way we can find that big worm.” Cocotail shrugged and Kiris continued to go all crazy.

“We really need that shadow. It’s probably already reached the entrance and gates of the Shadows. This amulet… not many Blobbies like to say this…” Kiris muttered. “What is the shadow of the amulet anyways?” Cocotail said and slammed a paw down. Kiris glanced at Cocotail and nummed, “I was just about to say that… it’s the spirit of… the, the evil path of… Silverice.”

The name Silverice silenced everyone except Numy. “Umm, Blobs I think I just found the path of the amulet’s shadow? It’s right there. That giant chunk of destruction.” Sure enough wherever the amulet’s shadow went, behind it followed giant craters and pieces of chipped off rock. “Ok… hello there?” Numy asked. After a moment of silence, Kiris said, “You’re right. We should start the quest now.” “No!” shouted Spring. “Eh, why not?” Cocotail asked, agreeing with Kiris again. “This quest is more dangerous than you think. It’s already extremely horrible looking for this screaming shadow, but Silverice’s past Shadow? That’s gone way too far. “

Kiris didn’t hear her least bit. She bounced off toward the snaking destruction and Cocotail followed. Numy glanced at Spring and to his surprise she was looking at him. “Err, we better follow them,” Numy said quickly. They followed the other Blobbies for a long way until a sunrise began. “We should all find some food,” Kiris nummed. “Yes, food would be good,” Cocotail agreed. The rest of the Blobbies including Numy also agreed and they scourged on.

“Kiris, where will we get the food anyway?” Numy asked. Kiris slammed her tail again and replied, “Should I know?” Cocotail rummaged through their pack and ended up, there was no food. “Let’s go get some food from those Blobbies,” Kiris nummed as she flicked her tail toward a group of 6 Blobbies eating some Bianumies and floodles. Cocotail licked his mouth and it watered. He stared longingly at the floodles and Bianumies. “Yeah, the last time I ate was a day ago. Let’s go get the food.”

Spring stopped him right before the next bounce. “Guys, we shouldn’t be here. First of all, this is illegal since Cold Fire never allowed us to go on a quest. Second of all, if Cold Fire discovered us, he would exile us from the House of Day and third it’s way too dangerous!” Kiris spat back, “I couldn’t care less!” and bounced on. 

“We’re going to either starve or be killed by this amulet’s shadow,” Spring muttered but Kiris and Cocotail both ignored her. Numy glanced at her and said, “We have to do this for the House of Day. And besides, I want to stay here in the House of Day, since a month ago, these Blobbies wanted be to find the knife of life. I’m still searching and maybe this prophecy and amulet will give me a clue.”

All the Blobbies turned and stared at him. “What prophecy?” Cocotail asked. Numy shifted uncomfortably and replied, “Well, the amulet’s shadow told me this prophecy. Through the ancients you shall fail, to find the quest which you shall sail. For an ally helps you on your quest, preserve or raze on this rest. Shall so you are betrayed, by this one that has been layed.”

All the Blobbies stared at him and they looked so confused and uncomfortably Numy doubted they would have the strength to breathe. Kiris began to nod slowly. “If you are betrayed by one that has been layed, that must mean one of us would betray you…” Numy removed the flash of doubt on his eyes. He had thought that Kiris might betray him but that doubt was slowly retreating and he trusted her more. “I think this prophecy is ridiculous. The amulet’s shadow might be trying to throw us into confusion. None of you would betray me, would you?” Numy said, trying to sound confident.

Spring looked so queasy and looked like she was about to throw up. “Nobody will betray anyone today,” she squeaked. A loud thud came from a distance. Kiris sighed and turned to Cocotail. “It’s probably just a grinder. Let’s go kill it.” The 4 of them raced off. Numy felt wind in his face and he brushed past Spring and brought a sword out. “Bob!” Cocotail yelled. Kiris looked so weird but she shouted, “The House of Day!” and grabbed a sword, jumping on the grinder.

The grinder staggered a bit with all the weight of four Blobbies on him and thrashed around wildly. Numy put all his strength into a comet charge and burst out. He let the streaks of anger in his body dance out and charged at the grinder. Streaks of yellow and gold sprinted from behind him and he flew like the wind towards the grinder. The grinder yelped as the impact hit him and fell to the ground angrily. Though the grinder was very rough the comet charge had left a small dent is its shell. It leapt up and growled as Spring and Kiris, side by side changed to second form.

Kiris slowly mended and paws grew out from her head. Flattened ears sprang out from her head and her tail blew threw her body. Compared to the grinder, she was still undersized but the force when she slammed into it was enough to knock it off its spikes. Kiris slashed out with her hind claws and grappled, sinking her teeth deep into the grinder until it was motionless. “That’s a fine relief,” Kiris panted and Cocotail stared in awe.


As Kiris slowly changed back to first form, her tail grew gnomish and Spring let out a sigh of relief. “What are you looking at?” Kiris demanded as she shrunk back to normal size. “We better get moving. There isn’t any time to waste; we have to find this amulet’s shadow?”

“Yes mother,” Numy said mockingly and let out a purr of laughter to see the expression on Kiris’s face.  He felt even more satisfied when Kiris didn’t protest. “We still have to find this stupid knife of life, remember?” Numy said to Cocotail. Cocotail turned to Numy and said, “Sure, we’ll do that but right now if you don’t want to world to end, we will, and we can go find the amulet’s shadow.” Numy let out a snort and replied scathingly, “Ok, then when are we going to find the knife of life?” Cocotail didn’t answer.

Numy was still planning ahead on the track when Spring said, “Let’s rest. It’s been a whole day-almost. I packed a few leafettters and if anyone would want to share them, please, we need to rest.” They all agreed-even Kiris though she made a few complaints saying, “We only have till any sunset!” but they ignored it. Numy didn’t think he was hungry at all but once he smelled the aroma and fragrance of the leafetter, he changed his mind. He took a bite and sunk his teeth into the fruit and the taste made his mouth water. Nothing had tasted so good so Numy felt like he hadn’t ate in days.

The leafetter was delicious, and everyone in the little group had to agree. Cocotail gobbled his leafetter up in a matter of seconds. Spring closed her eyes and went to a deep sleep after eating her complete share of the tasty fruit. Kiris was the only one that didn’t eat. Numy bounced up to her and asked, “What’s up?” Kiris closed her eyes and after a moment responded, “We should have never gone on this quest. The House of Day will either execute us or send us off, punished. I never got permission to be assigned on a quest even! When we come back, if we succeed or not, we will be killed or punished by Cold Fire…” Numy’s mouth fell open in shock.

This whole idea… to find this amulet’s shadow was Kiris’s idea. Who knew she would regret it in less than a whole day. “Well,” Numy responded firmly. “If you aren’t going, I am. I didn’t come here for nothing and this quest will give me clues to find the knife of life. No matter what you say, I’m continuing.” Numy couldn’t stop himself from going on.

“I came here to find this amulet’s shadow and I am going to. If this amulet can destroy the world, I’m going to stop it. Now, you can either come with us or go back to your precious little house!” He spat.

Kiris was shocked by his harsh tone and Numy was a little shocked by him too. Without a word, they crossed tails and went off to find their own friends. Numy found Cocotail chewing up leaves and grasping them onto a piece of bark. He watched as Cocotail carefully took the tree branches and laced them on, connecting them together with stringy bits of vine and leather.

“What in the shad… are you doing Cocotail?” Numy asked and removed a confused look on his face. Cocotail responded immediately, “Making a little house. You probably don’t remember because of that cheese they threw at you. We used to make little leaf and vine branched houses all the time…” Cocotail stopped his words and continued sticking the branches through a vine and wrapping them with leaves.

“Cocotail, we’re going to stay here for one night and that’s it. Are you coming to scout ahead and find this stupid amulet or let the world be destroyed?” Numy demanded. Cocotail barely looked up and said, “You don’t need to scout ahead. The prophecy said we’ll fail.” Numy hardly could stand his anger. “You’re just a big fat coward! You let some stupid old cowardly prophecy frighten you and now you don’t want to do this quest! You want to world to end just because a picture said that we would fail? You’re pathetic!” and with that Numy stalked out of the room, head smoldering.

All his friends were cutting him off. The amulet’s shadow seemed to go on forever and Numy could never track it. Was everyone giving up on him? Or was it just this cold sky that made him shiver…

Four goodbyes. Four nights. visions.
Numy still couldn’t believe how his friends ditched him like this. If they were going to play dirty, he would give them a small pain to think about! Eyes narrowed, he waddled his way back into the den. No, he wasn’t going to sleep soundly and obviously there was no way he could sleep without nightmares after all he had just gone through. He had watched many different bloody movies but he knew the blood was just Blobbies squeezes the berry Cia on themselves to make it look like blood.
 He grabbed the supplies and lugged the weapons in the bag up. He was just about to go when he heard some gentle lift of breathing. It was Spring. “Spring! Wake up. We’re going.” Spring lifted her head and shook the fur out of it. “Whaa? Waz going on here? Oh it’s you Numy.” She lifted her blonde eyes toward the tent. “I just had the weirdest dream that all these weird movies came to life and Dora attacked us! What the star does that mean?” Numy snorted and nudged her by the head. “It means don’t use that word star too often! Those guys don’t want to continue the journey.”
Springs eyes shot up faster than the speed of shadow. The blue moon glowed in the sky like a volcano that had just burst except it was silver. Numy stared at her and finally found the courage to speak. “Well? Are we going to continue or not.” After what seemed like forever Spring replied evenly, “Wherever you go, I’ll go. I don’t care if the others aren’t coming.” A warm feeling rose in Numy’s chest, all the way up to his eyes, warming his whole body from the cold sky.
Numy began to bounce out the door when Spring blocked him. “You aren’t going to leave without saying goodbye, are you?” Numy shook his head and stopped himself from snarling at the anger of the loss of Cocotail and Kiris. The anger was like a storm. It was churning and boiling inside him, about to spout out. Spring took the anger that was in his eyes as an answer.
As they slowly shuffled out of the den, into the desert, into the place that nobody had ever been before, the sun began to rise. Spring looked sleepier than she ever had and also worried about Kiris and Cocotail. Worry for his friends if they were all right rose in Numy’s chest but he quickly stomped it down. Stop worrying about Blobbies that are so selfish, they would let the world die for themselves. Stop worrying about Blobbies that are so cowardly, they are afraid to walk a few miles he told himself. Numy felt more than grateful that at least Spring was beside him, half sleeping, and half bouncing across the dust road.
Suddenly another vision shocked Numy to his core. A flash of darkness appeared in the sun. Then a flash of blood splattered across the sky. After this, waving howls of agony and pain danced across his mind. A laughing sneer was heard in the distance. Agony that could only belong to victims that were torn to pieces kept appearing to him. A Creature with eyes appeared. It was giant. It had vicious claws and snapping jaws. But the only thing that stopped Numy from running in terror was the black chains behind the creature. It seemed to radiate power so much, everything that came near it, except for the chains dissolved.  
Spring was talking but Numy had no idea and was not aware of anything that was going on. The sun was shining brightly and burning into his fur but he had no idea that it was being burned. The dust splattered in his fur and eyes with clouds but still, he wasn’t conscious to anything that was going on in the real world.
The huge, no-doubt deadly thing slashed back and forward. That seemed to be what it had been doing for a lifetime. Screeches were in the distance though they didn’t seem to be coming from anyone being killed. They were coming from the past Blobbies that this creature had destroyed. No Blobbies were in this scene of death and hollow blood.
 The black whirlpool of darkness washed over him. Complete terror was already in him. “Who are you?” Numy whispered but there was no answer from the universe. Everything was cold. Why didn’t Ferncookie or The Great Kimo help him now? He was silently begging and calling them desperately to remove this vision from his mind. It was too dreadful to stand.
Laughter echoed through the walls of chains. Complete darkness kept swirling through the night though it was bright and it was day. But Numy wasn’t in Blobbieworld right now. He was in a total new universe.
This universe was cruel. It was where the glorious Fading ones lived. It was where they walked around in pride. This was also where the shadows lived. It was where they snarled and practiced to kill. It was where they destroyed innocent lives. This was where the imprisoned monsters and dark spirits lived. This was where Skyice was imprisoned.
Four goodbyes stung in Numy’s eyes. Cocotail was searching already, and the wind ruffled against his pelt. Kiris was thumping in frustration of losing him. Spring was along with him, happily singing and jumping on the trail, not aware that Numy wasn’t conscious. The dream continued.
Four lifetimes seemed to pass as he continued to watch the dark creature thrashing in his black chains. The lifetimes echoed farther away slowly as blood poured out of the chains.
Clouds swirled around the sky. In the trails of mist, Numy could still see the golden happy ages of The Fading ones. He could see the satisfaction in the eyes of the shadows as they killed a victim. He could even see the desperation and suffering of the imprisoned ones that were left behind because of their cruel acts. He could see everything just because of one dark spirit that held memories of everything.
The chains seemed to be the only thing holding the giant creature back.  It seemed to duplicate and try to free it from the chains. The black chains were splattered with golden blood. It was the blood of this giant, living killer. As it was deadly for Numy could tell, it was imprisoned. This killer was imprisoned and wanted to break free. It wanted to go and swim in the world of darkness like it did before. It wanted to kill millions, all the living creatures that lived in Blobbieworld. This wasn’t any ordinary creature.
It was the one and only Night.